Mineral waters

Przerzeczyn - Zdrój is one of the few health resorts where radium water is used for treatment - that is, water containing small amounts of radon, an unstable radioactive element. The radiation emitted by radon causes a number of health-promoting processes in the body, which have a therapeutic effect, among others, in rheumatic diseases.

Przerzeczyn-Zdrój is a lowland health resort (240 m above sea level), therefore its climate is mild. The health resort is based on mineral waters - sulphide-radon, calcium, magnesium and ferruginous waters.

Good to know:

Radon waters are - apart from sorrel (waters containing over 1000 mg / l of free carbon dioxide - dissolved) and thermal waters (water with a temperature above 20 degrees C, measured at the outflow from the intake), are the third type of curative waters characteristic of the Sudetes and occur only in the region of these mountains.

Przerzeczyn - Zdrój

The purest springs.

Low mineralized radium-sulphide waters, containing calcium and magnesium sulphides, are unique natural healing waters not only in Poland, but also in Europe. The healing sulfur springs of the then Dirsdorf were discovered in 1821 during chrysoprase searches.

There are three types of water in the Przerzeczyn-Zdrój health resort:

healing waters

Przerzeczyn-Zdrój health resort is one of the few health resorts where the radium water treatment is used. Radon waters are waters that contain small amounts of radon - an unstable radioactive element.

spring and drinking water

The cleanest water available in Przerzeczyn-Zdrój, perfect for drinking.

mineral waters

High-quality water is extracted on the principle of free (spontaneous) discharge.

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